Step 1
Select the right products -
Step 2
Put the order by phone -
Step 3
Payment and Shipment

You want by browsing through categories or by viewing products on brands page.

Please call us on (+856-20) 5531 3131, 5888 9000, 2888 9000 between 8am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday.

Customers can normally choose either to pay by bank transfer or to pay at the door by cash.
Our Value Customers
WWCC is upgrading the products operations through research, advanced technology and machinery, to serve the expanding needs of Laos's economy at competitive prices. The company is committed to offer high quality products to achieve customers’ satisfaction. The company is trusted to supply wire and cable to various reputable firms and local state enterprises.
- Electricite du Laos (EDL)
- ELectrical Construction and Installation, State Enterprise